Winter light on East Lomond

What a day!

Touched the ground running this morning!

Boys off to Scout Camp - on a mission to find Kendal Mint Cake (no luck!), rucksacks to check and repack (not the boys' fault - a clash of birthday and Parents' Evening yesterday meant they really didn't have much time!), the usual washing and tidying, preparations for a 50th birthday party (decided I didn't like any of the cards in the shops so at lunch time set about making you do!), bath, piano lessons x 3, drop one child at a friend's then buy sauage suppers for the other two before depositing them with a friend to drop for camp, home to get dressed (I was already dressed - not driving round Fife in the buff! Nothing would have surprised me today though!) then off to the PARTY!

Which we were early for!

And a great party it was too! Worth all the stress if the day.....

Tired now!

The light on East Lomond caught my eye whilst I was haring round - for once I did as the poem says and took time to stand and stare....and get a blip!

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