without becoming pictures

By lani

My dear one's birthday.

1. Prepare dinner, full of basil as requested.
2. Hurriedly prepare oneself, sparkly newish clothes and eyeliner and such.
3. Relaxedly share dinner.
4. Take lots of stealth photos and video of songs, laughter, and the quiet, rainy road.
5. Stop at toy store for ill-named Transformers.
6. Proceed to casino for ill-played games.
7. Find cute local pub, surprisingly devoid of the usual annoying crowds.
8. Have martini.
9. Sing along to all songs in car ride to late-night diner.
10. Have egg salad sandwich.
11. Sing along to all songs in car ride to late-night Walmart.
12. Stop at Walmart for ill-named Transformers.
13. Sleepily drift into INFP Land, wherein we feel happily, dreamily nostalgic for the events as they happen.
14. Reluctant to end the evening, stop at friend's house.
15. Have glass of wine.
16. Fall asleep on couch.
17. Wake up 2 hours later, at 3:42am.
18. Return home.
19. Fall asleep instantly.
20. Wake up on couch several hours later.
21. Have several cups of coffee.
22. Post to Blip.

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