Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Nicely done

Met up with G again today. We are going to visit a few Christmas markets over the next few days! But first, it was a quick dash into Guildford (again) to the O2 shop (again) to get a micro SIM for a new phone. The chap there was so efficient, we actually had over an hour to wander about exploring the town a bit more. Guildford High Street is really attractive!

Came upon this rather amazing Shopping Centre in the process... Tunsgate Square! If the name isn't enough to intrigue you, then the lead up to it is! A long narrow beautifully decorated corridor leads you into the Square where they have a Cafe which is even more beautifully decorated and its setting in an atrium makes it all the more inviting on a sunny day. Magic!

(Go large to see the Christmas lights)

Got back to the Lodge via an M&S Food shop and the site's laundry and have had a very relaxed yet productive day! Tomorrow... it's a run down to Winchester...

Trying really hard to catch up with journals but Blipfoto seems to be ultra slow! Is that just a Saturday night thing??

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