1554. Two Spirits....
My beautiful and amazing eldest offspring texted me yesterday to tell me that they wanted to be known now as non binary....
They wanted me to be told first before letting their wider circle of friends, acquaintances and work colleagues know....
I am so, so proud of them, having faced so many challenges in their life, to support them for who they really are....
I was doing some research online yesterday to understand a little bit more about what this means and the best way to support and acknowledge their decision....
I came across some wonderful information aimed at First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples which described non binary people as having “Two Spirits”....and they are celebrated and revered for their uniqueness....I loved this beautiful way of describing them....and it felt much more personal and respectful to use it...so from now on my eldest will be known as “two spirits”....they were delighted to hear this and appreciated me finding out more about ways to support and acknowledge their decision....
This necklace depicts First Nation symbols so I thought it would be a perfect image for my two spirit offspring....
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