Keeping Me Sane

By CKJohnson

Reflections II

I've been busy since last evening making Brocolli Cheese Soup, Egg Salad and getting the house decorated for Christmas.

I brought out my son's white ceramic tree last night and that was a bitter-sweet task. He and his PaPa found it at the dump when they took off some trash. They were so proud of their Christmas treasure that they couldn't wait to get it home to show Grandma. It was in great shape so she was understanding enough to keep it and get some new plastic bulbs for it. She put it out every year for 15 years or more. My son always asked his Grandma to save it for him because it was a precious memory he had of his PaPa.

We never imagined that he would be gone before Grandma. I got it after she passed away so it's now my Christmas Treasure. I'll blip it sometime before Christmas.

This was taken late today when the sunset was so beautiful.

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