Skinny Piggy

By SkinnyPiggy

A Rudder

This is something you don't get to see everyday, a full rudder on the deck of the ship. We were heading out on an excursion - sunset fishing when our boat ran into troubles just after leaving the harbour. one man dived into the sea and then moments later the rudder was pulled. Apparently it was damaged due to wear and tear/ So the ship had to get towed back to the harbour and we boarded a new boat to do our fishing.

By the time we got out again, the daylight was quickly fading so we basically fished in the dark! We didn't catch anything we had to move locations a few times as they were trying to stay away from a storm! It was certainly an experience, I've never fished in the pitch black before, and with only the light from a phone to see if the fish hook still had bait on it!

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