My little lovelies

Such a full day! A morning with Jill & Ian looking at what corporate rhythms we can implement in 24-7 Ibiza to draw us together and sustain life. Exciting!
The kids loved getting the bus to San Antonio, Nate especially.
A late afternoon walk around the Port...I enjoyed snapping pics of the kids...Nate enjoyed wandering.
And then this evening Claire and I headed over to San An for La Movida, a Big 80s & 90s músic night, all put on for free...met up with a few friends. So much fun and I'm now currently on the discobus home.

Drama of the day;
Continued problems with no electricity in the kitchen area - someone's coming on Monday to look at it.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Open honest communication within our 24-7 team.
2) Nate's pure delight at being on the bus.
3) Bumping into Marcial as we wandered along this evening.

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