
By Viewpoint


A grabbed shot as the sun came up as I was fairly certain I wouldn’t have much time to think about taking photos.  I was in the middle of selecting, printing and mounting prints to go into the spring Yorkshire Federation Exhibition, so far I’ve got four Iceland, one portrait and one local woodland scene.  I think I might try one of my Iceland prints as a digital image instead and put the one I’ve printed onto my wall.  

Looking back I seem to have missed Wednesday altogether.  A somewhat hectic day with Tai Chi in the morning, lunch with a friend - we’re doing a joint presentation on our respective Iceland trips so we spent the afternoon, looking and talking about that.  Then straight out to the Penistone Camera Club to talk over prints that a couple of members were thinking about putting into the YPU exhibition (I think all our members should put at least one in because then they get an A4  catalogue for £1.50).  Finally it was club judging night and my Misty trees in Millmoor Wood (not its actual title) came first, so I was really pleased.  (I’m thinking about having a year off from club photography next year in pursuit of another photographic avenue, so It’s good to go out on a high.

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