
By Madchickenwoman


The hens fence battery has been playing up this week - alternately flashing green and red. A wiggle of the wires, shaking of the box, restaking of the earth seemed to sort it out so I put it down to the wet. But I charged up the spare battery just incase. But did I take it up with me in the Did the wiggle, shake and reposition Did I have to go back home and pick up the battery...yes! 
After this annoyance I had a calming walk in Cotehele, until I met a chocolate labrador who fancied the satsuma I was eating and kept jumping up at me! Until Oscar spotted a squirrel and after trying to leap up the tree slipped through the fence into the gardens where dogs are not allowed! I managed to tempt him back with a treat and put his lead on, but then the dratted squirrel just teased him by sitting on the fence, running up a tree and then along some branches over the path! Oscar tried leaping up the high bank several times before giving up! The rest of the walk was uneventful and after having lunch I rewarded myself with a snooze before it was time to go put the hens to bed.
Come Sunday we are getting more hens! I spotted a post on Facebook from The British Hen Welfare Trust about rehoming events and for once two were in Cornwall! Taking Oscar near so many hens not a good idea so another coop member will collect them and I will prepare the plot for them. They are freerange so hopefully won't be in such an appalling condition as the ones we rehomed many years ago - oh my what a sorry sight. I can't understand how people can keep them in conditions which give them baldness, extended combs and burns form the urine and excrement they stand in 24/7. If the egg companies put a photo of the actual hens on the egg boxes  I don't believe anyone would want to buy their eggs. 

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