Too close for comfort.

Up & out early this morning, well early for Sunday, as J wanted to go to a Train Fair in Barry.  We did the usual trawling around the stalls, with me on scouting duties. I did manage to find a coal wagon with  The Great Western Tondu inscribed on the side. Tondu is the small village that my Nana & Grampa lived, and has many special memories for my brothers & I, because we lived with them for a few years, when my Mum was in hospital. J wanted another truck as well, and I offered the guy £2 less than the asking price, and he accepted. We spent about two hours there, and then drove home along the coast road. We made a detour to Llantwit Beach, as I was complaining that I didn't have a blip. We got out and took some photos. It was blowing a gale, and the wind was icy, so job done, back to the car and home. It's nice to be in the warm, and we are having a steak dinner very soon. 

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