Two weeks without MollyCollie

Two weeks without MollyCollie…………………………….

…..............And I can't say things are getting any easier, but hey ho, I guess I've just got to get on with it.

Finding something to Blip when there's absolutely nothing interesting happening in one's life is very challenging.

This is my little bowl of loose change that I use for bus fares. Edinburgh has the most amazing bus service ever. From where I live, I can get to practically every area of the city (and beyond) for £1.70. And if I want to go on the bus lots of times in one day I can buy a day ticket for £4. My record is 25 buses & 1 tram. The only downside is; one has to have the exact money. They don't accept card payments, though I think there is some kind of app that allows you to pay via your phone. #Fartootechyforme

Anyway, today I have been sorting out my clothes. It came to my attention that every time I wore something that I hadn't worn for a while; the pockets were full of 'poo bags'. The pockets were also full of loose change. Yay!  Latterly, if I wasn't taking my purse on the dog walk, I always made sure I had 'emergency bus fare' so if MollyCollie got tired we could jump on a bus and come home.

Sooooo.................. I've gone through all my clothes, saved all the poo bags for the next dog I get, and put all my emergency bus fare money back into my 'bus fare money bowl'.

There should be enough in here for the next couple of months.......................... And then I'll be 60 and will get a free bus pass.

Whoopee Doo!!!!

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