In the Reading Corner

You can take the teacher out of the school but, well, you know the rest. Nanna Janna is having a lovely time reliving some storybooks last used some twenty some years ago, and Ivy is wholly engrossed. Get them while they're young...

A smashing day before the birthday celebration lunch, with Sheol and Cathy, Noel and Mary and of course Cheryl and Ivy. I had a sudden realisation the other day that I ought no longer to call myself mid-fifties... it's a bit late, now.

Still, there is a very fine Ardbeg An Oa to add to the collection, and a "grandad" whisky flask too amongst the pressies. Somehow folk have got this idea I like the Scottish waters. I have no wish to disabuse them.

No, no, miles younger than Sheol... ;-)

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