Holy Owly!
I woke up to heavy snow falling and high winds, which made it look like a white out at times. I had to go out to get food for the week, so decided to go out and shovel early. I was pleasantly surprised when the sun started to peek out so when the shoveling was done, I grabbed my camera and headed for the woods.
It was no surprise that I was the only person there when I arrived. The paths were sheer ice under the layer of snow and with the windchill, it wasn't the best day to be out 'loving nature'.
Coolest sighting....a female Northern Harrier went gliding past me and continued out to the meadow. It was only a few feet off the ground and in full hunt mode. So amazing to watch...harder to get a good photo of with all the blowing snow.
Heart-warming sighting...L'il Red eating a huge nut, sitting on top of his 'home'. No other squirrel in sight today but he looked quite content!
Favourite sighting...this Barred Owl. Literally, sitting on a limb that hangs over the path. What a treat! I am fairly confident that this is the male as I have seen only two in the area and the other one is significantly larger (females are larger than males). He was obviously watching/listening to a little rodent under the snow as he was very intent watching and listening and only occasionally threw me a look.
Well, that is the weekend over. I hope it has been a great one for each of you!
D x
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