Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The fog won!

I had this morning planned out! There was going to be a beautiful sunrise, I had checked the weather report, the camera had almost new batteries, I was dressed with layers upon layers upon layers so nothing could go wrong. I went out around 8, one of the nice things about winter: the sunrise isn't around 3 in the morning but actually at a rather nice time.
There fog was like a lid over the area, but it had lifted a bit and the tree tops were almost revealed. I went down to 'my' spot by the small creak and the stone bridge, really thankful to the horses that had trampled, not a path but at least I knew were to put my feet when I was plodding down the sloop and down to the edge of the field by the creek. The snow was reaching well over my ankles and after reaching a nice spot I trampled around a bit to flatten the snow. The sky was turning yellow with traces of pink and I thought the fog was going to disappear and give me an amazing sunrise... No, that didn't happen... First I thought it was my glasses, because they were getting foggy and frosty, but then I saw that it was the fog rolling in, hiding the big oak tree on the other side of the creek, hiding the creek itself and turning the world into a milky white world. This is the last photo I took, before I felt defeated and plodded through the snow up to the road and home to a nice cup of hot tea. :)

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