Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

What's in a name...

...I was christened “Christine” as I was born in December and it was sort of Christmassy...
 If I had been a boy I would have been called Noel, apparently... Hardly anyone uses my “Sunday” name, except at Pilates as there is another Chris in the class, which is very confusing for me.  I have also been Chrissie, Auntie Chrissypops, C..C..C.. when my great nephew couldn’t say Chris, and half of a composite person Chris’n’Roy!

My surname was Baldwin – my mum knew my dad as “Stan” for years, a nickname from the navy... This has variously been corrupted to “Baldy” at school and “Blodwen” in my first job. I’m now Swinden – as in pigsty, rather than the town ;)

I was introduced to Blipfoto by SueMiddleton, aka Mountains, Lakes and Sea, and as I had recently retired and wanted to spend more time on photography, Blipfoto seemed a good fit. I didn’t realise the journal and social media aspects would appeal quite as much!

When I chose my blipname 60thyear seemed a good start – but I have since altered it to 60plus ( variously 60+ and 60p ) and added Wearing Purple as a nod to the Jenny Joseph poem.

As you can see from the photo in my pram – I never did like being in one place for too long...

Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting this month ;)

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