Through these eyes

By kwdiane

Mono Monday - Origins

Jensphotos mono monday challenge this week is to explain where our blip name came from and how we joined blip.

This is the closest I could get to re-creating my first blip taken on 6th December 2014.  Unfortunately the donkey is no longer with us but these fallow deer now live a few fields away from his old home.  I hope I have learnt a few things since that original photograph ......wildlife shots are much more effective if you can make eye contact with the animal for a start. It also helps if you give the subject enough room to breath. We live and learn :-))

My husband has a lot to answer for when it comes to blipfoto.  He had joined a few months before me and I was starting to spend a lot of time waiting for him to photograph things every time we went out for a walk.  The only solution was to join him ......I'm sure you can imagine how long our walks can take us now!!

My blip name came about because I'm quite a lazy person when I can get away with it and Chas had already chosen his blip name of kwchas (based on the name he uses for his geocaching hobby) so I became kwdiane.

2019 walk 1000 miles challenge:
Total “Boots On” mileage: 105.5
Total daily mileage: 132.5
Target mileage: 74.0

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