What can you see?

It's hard to say what's delighted me more...  Two robins billing and cooing - I'm sure they're set for spring with eyes only for each other; a wonderful song thrush perched in a picture frame of ivy; this scene which I stood and watched for ages; or a short but exceptionally sweet bike ride - I hope I'm back!

So, what can you see? 

As for yesterday's underpants.  Can a chap be any more disappointed?!   They were all set in the car to head up north to go camping and where do they end up? Back down south again, changing their minds!  It looks like they changed the ending - maybe cut an hour down to 45 minutes - maybe thought it was too unbelievable - maybe, like me, thought he looked too much like a caveman.  We have re-rewritten the ending ourselves to include the underpants scene but won't write it here in case you decide to watch it.  Not the best watch ever but not bad. 

Apart from the underpants. 
That was a shame.

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