
During the day I went out on my bike (calling in at the bike shop on the way out to get the seat clamp and seat post replaced just so, you know, it would stop in place instead of slipping every damned time I rode it). And then, whilst waiting for a gap in the traffic at a junction in Musselburgh on the way back, a mere seven miles from home, got driven into from behind by a motorist who hadn't seen me there. I didn't even come off the bike, but the back wheel was completely mashed (and the front grille of his car didn't look too clever either....) so, with lots of apologies from this fella and his wife, me and bike got a lift back to town, the bike shop for the second visit of the day, and then my house. Stuck a photo in extras - the white patch on the tyre is just reflection, not extraneous crash damage! Good news is that new wheel has been fitted, frame checked for damage (there is none) and bike is ready for collection in the morning.

OK, after that mini-drama it was off out for tea later on at some local place for really delicious tapas and mezes (I can eat a lot, but there really was too much food!) and then cinema for a preview screening of If Beale Street Could Talk. Absolutely gorgeous, and heartbreaking, with cinematography to die for. Brilliant colour - loads of it. Loved the soundtrack as well. Dunno if it will be my film of the year but I got that feeling halfway through when I just thought to myself, "I am *loving* this! This is great!" And that really doesn't happen that often.


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