Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Look who we found!!

Ellyn and I heard that Santa was in his grotto in the big shopping centre in Inverness so we went looking for him. We didn't go sit on his knee though - too expensive. Maybe that's how he pays for the presents he delivers?

On a not so happy note, I woke up this morning and wasn't able to move my neck without a sharp pain! I had no idea what it was but I was determined to go to Inverness today and take the ensemble rehearsal over there. I managed to conduct. Just. I had to make sure I didn't get too into any of the exciting pieces we get to play :p

When we got back to Aberdeen in the evening I sorted myself out with pain killers and a hot water bottle balanced precariously on my neck and we watched Toy Story 3 - a much better Pixar film than Brave that I watched the other day. So emotional!

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