
By cowgirl

Nes Gadol Haya Sham

A great miracle occurred there.

This great miracle took place today in the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 BCE. It was a terrible time for the Jews who were suffering at the hands of the Syrian king, Antiochus Epiphanes II. He forbade them to study the Torah or follow the commandments. He occupied Jerusalem, erected a statue of Jupiter in the Holy Temple and sacrificed a pig on the altar.

A Jewish resistance grew up, lead by a priest from a village near Jerusalem called Mattathias with his 5 sons. On his death, his 3rd son, Judas, took over leadership and he lead the Jews to victory after victory. He was given the name Maccabeus, meaning ' hammer ' and he and his 'Maccabees' faced Antiochus and his thousands strong army, defeating them until the humiliated king threw himself into the sea.

The Jews liberated Jerusalem and on the 25th day of Kislev, 165 BCE Judas re dedicated the Temple and renewed Jewish services.

However only one jug containing the pure oil required to light the eternal light in the menorah ( branched candlestick ) was found. In spite of this the candlestick was lit and then the miracle occurred - instead of dying out after a day,the oil burned for 8 days,by which time a new supply of oil had been produced.

In commemoration of this, Chanuka or the Festival of Lights is celebrated by lighting candles over eight days and eating fried foods, notably doughnuts and potato latkes.

It's a time for visiting friends and family, experiencing joy together. People are happy and obliging to each other and children receive gifts.

They play with sevivon, spinning tops, that have the first letters of the words of my title ( I know that was ages ago so thanks for sticking with me ) in Hebrew. Interesting to note that in Israel the wording would be " Nes Gadol Haya Po" as " Po " means " here " in Hebrew.

So, happy fried food week everyone!!

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