Memento of Matty

Puppies know no fairies;
have few pillows in their beds,
so when a puppy-tooth falls out
it won't go to their heads.

They won't expect a sixpence
(or is it now a quid?)
And mostly puppies swallow teeth,
not knowing what they did.

But this one, oh, this little gem!
I picked it off the floor,
and keep it with my treasures
though our dear dog is no more.

Today I gently held her tooth -
our puppy never missed it.
And though she'll never feel a thing,
you're right, of course: I kissed it.

© Celia Warren 2019

And now I've made myself cry! Dear Matty's been dead for almost 18 years, for goodness' sake! But she's the only dog I ever had, the dog who grew up with our children, and there'll always be an empty space in my heart for her.

The thematic inspiration for the blip came from Tiny Tuesday challenge host KangaZu, for which, thanks! This is my special memento.

The photo to the right is one I took when Matty was one year old. Back then, living in the Midlands, I entered it in a Birmingham Evening Mail photo competition that offered a first prize of a year's supply of dog food. It didn't win, but it was one of ten runners-up, and through the post came cuddly toys of the Disney characters Lady and the Tramp. I still have those, too!

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