
By Poppy


A morning that you are glad to be alive!  On days like this you feel you could do anything!  Bright sunshine and snow and barely a breeze!  A long leisurely breakfast as we sat and enjoyed the view.  Difficult not to feel a bit smug about how lucky we are!

The weather brought masses of birds around the bird feeders too, mostly sparrows, dozens of them, and starlings.   We now seem to have two collared doves, a robin, a pair of blackbirds and a dunnock who are permanent residents and are getting much less wary of me. I would love to be able to get them a bit tamer.

A freezing and very bitter afternoon working with H.  The ponies are well rugged up at this time of year and have got haylage in the fields, nevertheless they are keen to come in to their stables and get more feed!  It's interesting to see them wandering down the hill strictly in their order of seniority. The boss mare, Lily, is always at the front and Nimbus is always at the tail end!  Nimbus is 24 now and her days of being in charge are long behind her, although she was very good at it, even keeping a Clydesdale in his place!

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