Riding in the Rain

The region is just full of motorbikes and scooters. It's the main method of local transport and whole families ride on them -although we haven't seen more than four people on one. They weave their way round cars and lorries coming from all directions and normal traffic rules do not seem to apply.  Sometimes the riders wear helmets but mostly they don't and they wear no protective clothing. However, so far we have not seen any accidents.

Today we took the ferry to the island of Pangkor  a short ride from Lalut where we are now staying. Far from getting any peace and quiet it was the 'ususal' crowds and congestion. We took a taxi tour round the island stopping off at a few sights, including a fish processing factory and a boat building yard. All very interesting.

Our main enjoyment though, came from watching the motor cyclists and trying to get a memorable snap.  I was observing how quite a few were transporting what, to our minds, seemed unsafe loads. Then, when it started raining,  I was watching for riders with umbrellas up.  It wasn't a long wait. This guy caught my attention riding one handed, in the rain, carrying a ladder !

Now heading out for some food and, tomorrow, moving down the coast to see some Fireflies on our way to Kuala Lumpur and a flight to Singapore on Friday.

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