See....its not all about Puppies!!

....but it was very hard not to blip a Puppy!!!

Mr W has bought himself a new bike!! He traded in the older one I bought him and gone for a bit of an upgrade. And me managed it all without my input!!!

It was a little bit sad waving goodbye to the old one but I'm happy that he's happy.

Daughter Number 1 and I then had to work and I left Bella with Mr W for the first time. I was a little nervous about leaving her as Mr W hasn't had as much involvement with Bella as I have and she as far more attached to me than him - obviously! I had trouble concentrating on work and not worrying about her. Then I had a call to ask "how do you clear up dog sick"!!! Then a few more messages to say she was sick again...a few more times. I'm convinced she was stressed and missing me. He was convinced she had eaten something in the garden. But by the time I got home, she was hyper, happy, biting Mr W and behaving like the devil possessed. But not sick, so I think that proves my theory!!!!

Then we had a bit of snow. I do love snow. Bella also loves snow and tried to catch it!!

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