Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Snow then...

... A magical Winter Wonderland awaited this morning.
I hope the joy of snow never leaves me. I crunched, no, 'crunch' isn't quite the right word for the luscious virgin blueness underfoot, there's a sort of squeak of a noise (a bit like the noise hallumi makes between teeth?) it's a delicious mixture of crunch and squeak, a 'creak'(?) perhaps? (I tried it, but 'squnch' didn't cut it for me)... I creaked down the garden. The blackbird was waiting and stayed to chat for a while. The barmy (and severely geographically challenged?) squirrels had already visited, according to the abstract tracks in the snow.

I'm dipping into blip as and when I'm able. The Elderly one is needy and there seems little time to spare. I have some lovely comments (thank you) to reply to, and just haven't found opportunity. I shall.
Best wishes to all.
Stay warm! :-)

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