Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

My Baby

A colleague has just had her first novel published. She quite rightly had a huge grin on her face and a big glow about her. Must be a great feeling, she said herself that that the book was her baby and I totally get that. Writing of any sort is definitely a labour of love (except possibly tax returns and passport applications). Although I suppose you could do a submission to the Inland Revenue in the style of Stephen King; it’s a scary business dealing with the taxman …

Watermarked is available on Amazon and is getting great reviews. Check it out.

I was wedded to Skype today. About four hours worth of it. A classic case of too many meetings and no time to work, but I did get out for a stroll in the winter sunshine at lunchtime. And I am working from home the next two days so will at least be insulated from the worst of the chilly weather.

Today’s list:

Read: TIME, The New Yorker
Listened to: The Strokes
Ate: HP Sauce sandwiches. Also smoked hot dog penne with aubergine.

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