'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A Tribute to Sir Patrick Moore

Was sad to hear that Sir Patrick Moore passed away today. I was privileged enough to hear him speak at the LWF 2012 conference in January. So in the absence of a clear starry evening, this star is for him!

Three beautiful things:
The dogs all curled up together on the chair.
The candlelit lounge
A Christmas invitation

One thing to be grateful for:
Time to reflect

Life is just one big long learning curve, there are some days when I feel I am getting it right and others when I just want to get off that curve. The next two weeks are going to be a bit like that, I find the last two weeks of term before Christmas very emotionally charged and as a leader I have to make sure I don't react and just let the term end peacefully and happily, knowing that a new term awaits.

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