Annie and Chris

By AnnieAndChris

Germs and Buzzing

Annie now has my lurgy. Thankfully she managed to bag an indoor bed rather than a night under canvas at the birthday weekend she joined yesterday. Probably a very good job as she was asleep most of yesterday evening missing most of the party (havng also put her back out). Her drive home was no fun, she went straight to bed and is fast asleep. Poor thing.

I'm mending but slowly. Rosie was here today (Immy is still on her school trip in Germany). We decided to make ourselves useful so we found the Christmas tree stand and then went and selected our tree. Weirdly the guy bagging the trees recognised me and after a few tries we established we had worked together in the foods department (at Christmas) of M&S over 20 years ago. Some people have a much better memory of faces than I do (or perhaps I just haven't changed very much!). The tree now stands in the sitting room awaiting expert decoration (Annie's department!).

I was hoping for a good sunset so not wanting to stay in the cold any longer than necessary and also looking for something outside the house to blip, I nipped down our road to the park hoping for some good views around 3.45pm. Sadly just as it looked like it might get interesting a wall of dark cloud rolled in obscuring the bands of yellow and orange. I was about to pack up when a buzzing of a helicopter caught my ear and as it fell into the frame, I zoomed with the limited range I had (15-85mm lens) and as a consequence there you have today's blip.

Here's hoping for a less germ infested week.

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