Living in Brabant

By AilsaR


After snow, comes rain. It doesn't quite have the same ring to it as 'after rain, comes sunshine', but its certainly a fact; it rained almost all day.

No bad thing on a Sunday; I was going to go for a long cycle ride if it had been deep and crisp and even. But it wasn't so I stayed indoors and did all kinds of indoors-sy activities. Nothing wrong in that, but a day without photographing is akin to walking around totally naked. And you don't want to do that in this weather.

So, what to photograph? I tried Igor, and his whiskers looked perfect, but the rest of him looked just annoyed.

The sky at night perhaps, as an ode to the recently deceased Sir Patrick Moore? But that photo (taken from my bathroom window) just didn't come out right.

The living room! Nope, still didn't have 'it'.

Then I went to cook dinner, opened the fridge and EUREKA! I rememberd long ago, a photo by that bachelor boy (or so he tells us....) of an almost-empty fridge. And thought, I can do better than that!

So, here it is.

And by the way, nice video by Gondry, not so mad about the song:

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