Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

What the Heck?

Back on January 11, I posted Yard Bird # 6, a lovely lady Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  I think she must be wintering in our woods this year as I see her every so often, especially when things are frozen as they are now.  Probably she's managing to find sap from our maples when it's a bit warmer, as well as tasty little grubs and larva in the tree bark.  But as we are now experiencing the "polar vortex" she's spending a lot of time at the suet feeders.  She gives way to the starlings (like she has a choice) and the red-bellied woodpeckers (hell, even the starlings yield to them) but holds her own against the smaller woodpeckers.  As I was watching her from the comfort of my sofa, she was spooked off the feeder by a starling and flew up to the frame of our gazebo on the deck where we have lights strung.  She then proceeded to conduct a very comical inspection of the light.  Too funny not to blip.

It was a gym day today (3rd this week) and then I bundled up and spent a half hour outside when we got back.  I found a spot in the sun, protected from wind, and had fun watching all the little sparrows and ground feeders gobbling up seeds mere feet away.  There is something very calming about watching birds - guess that is why so many people do it.  

It is very cold here, but nothing compared to the midwest.  Still, it's plenty cold.  One more day and then it will start to slowly warm up.  And, as of Tuesday afternoon it won't matter because I will be basking in the warmth of Florida and the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Sefferdog!  

Thanks so very much for all the lovely birthday wishes.  Hubs and I ended up at an Italian place for dinner when our favorite Thai place turned out not to be open (maybe weather-related?)  An enjoyable evening after which we retired to bed and burrowed under the comforter with feline foot-warmers (or body warmers as the case may be).


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