
By LifeinAlohaland

Misty mountain morning

Alohaland is much more than a pretty beach. From our garden we look back on the Ko'olau mountain range, with its beautiful sculptured "pali" fingers that reach down from cloudy heights. These are the hills that separate us from the leeward, or Honolulu, side of the island. They are also the hills that provide endless opportunities for hiking in jungle-like forests and along breathtaking crest tops. 
On my early morning beach walk today, the hilltops were covered in mist, dreamy but also a sign of rain to come. Turns out I was lucky to walk during one of the few dry moments of the day. This is winter in Hawaii. We went to the Y, did some shopping at Costco and played lots of music. My ukulele playing is fast improving and so is my singing, according to Maestro Tiziano.   

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