
By DancingAly


I was up a little bit earlier today. I felt like I'd had enough sleep but I'm always mindful of the fact- will it be enough to last me until Saturday?!

I did my few little jobs, all whilst it was bright and sunny but still incredibly windy. The parents and I ventured to take Little B out to the woods. After some deliberations about when was best to take him, we ended up going when it started driving which made for a less enjoyable walk! I love the woods, and having not managed to walk all week, I was desperate to get out and get my steps up. 

After we returned, damp, sweaty but rosy-cheeked with the fresh air, we cleaned up Little B who needed a proper bath (with shampoo!) and then I headed over to see a friend.

We had planned to walk together but she didn't feel up to it, so we had a couple of hours chatting on her sofa instead. Although she seemed bright, I could see in her eyes she was in quite a bit of pain, which made me quite sad. She's done five rounds of chemo now, and whilst she's coped like a trouper, it's fair to say it's wearing a bit thin. Her pain seems to come from injections to boost her white cell count, and consequently all the regular heavy-duty drugs don't seem to be working. Add insomnia to the mix and she's fit for nothing. It's hard to know what you can do to help, but she assures me that just chatting and laughing and being good company is a gift in itself. I shall have to take her word for that ;-)

I really hope we can just get her to early March, and then all this chemo hopefully will be over, which is (I think) the worst part. Then hopefully she can have surgery etc and really begin to recover and get back to some sort of 'normal'.

The children are missing her, and by God, so am I! Work is not nearly as fun without her, but we've made a video of messages for her to watch, which might be a little link to her regular life, and I'm hoping if she's well enough to film her so she can send them a little message- I know they'll be beyond thrilled, it's been a few months since they last saw her.

I had a chilled evening as I'm not currently going to the gym as my shoulder is so painful, and I don't have the usual college work to do tonight. I miss the gym but I think March will be the best time to go- I'll be nearly four months post-op, plus it should be lighter to drive there in the evenings :-) 

In the meantime, home workouts and weights shall have to do! 

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