
By DancingAly

Baby Bird

I'm sure you've probably seen a few pics of this tiny thing on my mum's blip, as this picture was taken by her. 

A surprise baby shoot seemed to be happening when I returned from work today- prickly, irritable and tired, but as soon as 'teeny-tiny' appeared, my bad mood instantly dissipated! It's funny how babies seem to do that! 

I did want to cuddle but wasn't sure if I would, but it was lovely to sit there rocking her whilst we all sat around the kitchen table. Unfortunately they had to wait for the health visitor most of the day, which meant by the time they arrived there wasn't much light left to take pictures. But they're going to give it another go next weekend- fingers crossed for some sun and light! 

I had a good dance lesson straight afterwards. I've got two different partners this year for Blackpool, and I had a latin lesson with one today. The routines are all quite easy to remember, it's just they need jazzing up and polishing. It's not until April, so I've got plenty of time. My teacher said it looks 'gentle' but in reality- that's me! 

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