First ever...
...craft fair as a stallholder. Kaybee was right - there's no money in it. All the punters were busy shopping till they dropped in the city centre rather than visiting Albert Dock on a bitterly cold day. The organiser bought two of my titillating Iron-man-as-Santa cards, and once I'd paid for the table and two unsuccessful attempts at winning a prize on the tombola stand, I came out with a £7:50 loss and mild hypothermia. Being new to this I'd made the mistake of wearing a comely sheer silk floral top with tasselled sleeves, instead of the thermals, scarves and thick jumpers plus thermos of hot tea adopted by seasoned stallholders. Ironic really after the huge effort put in, whereas on Friday night I sold 12 cards without even trying at a bellydancing class get-together; I'd only taken some samples along to get feedback on what would be popular to sell. Now what to do with a few dozen photo-art Christmas cards...?
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