
By maddogmagpie

Which way

I read another article recently by a smug idiot, arguing that it was entirely unfair to describe Brexit voters as idiots, and that they were entitled to vote to make themselves worse off for sovereignty (which is the posh way of saying to stop foreigners coming here) if they wanted to.

Leaving aside the fact that racism is rarely an indicator of intelligence, and that the most likely outcome of our extremely weak negotiating position if future trade talks will be more immigration, not less, let’s consider the following:

1. Leave did not campaign on a platform saying you will be worse off, manufacturing is dead and you will need to develop a taste for turnips - but no more Bulgarians. This is because that would be hard to fit on a bus and they would have lost. They screamed project fear any time dire consequences were predicted, and people believed them. This was idiotic.
2.Only now, when people can see that things are going to be awful have they started saying that they knew all along and didn’t mind. So they are liars as well as idiots.
3. A man interviewed in the street by the BBC expressed the view that it would be good for the country to be short of food. These people are morons.

I know it upsets morons when you call them morons, but from what I’ve seen on Twitter they are more than happy to call a spade a spade themselves, so tough.

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