
By stellarossa


Monmouth Christmas Head 2012 turned out to be a bit of a disaster for the J15 boys and girls. We were the only club with a heavy wooden boat that takes 10 people to lift, so we knew we wouldn't be the nippiest in the water, but still we didn't expect it to be this bad.

After we did emergency repairs on the boat, with glue, gaffer tape and a clamp... we thought we might have a chance. But the rowing gods did not look kindly on us today and both quads came last.

In this picture inspirational and slightly bonkers coach Peter Haining, three times world champion, measures up the boat trying to get it set up for long-limbed lads who are just too big for it.

Maybe the big man in red will bring them a little something with four seats, eight blades and no bits falling off... you never know!

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