Still Bloomin'
The flowers from the East Center are still blooming so why not post them two weeks in a row. Not another flower in sight...but not for long. I'll be feeding the succulents starting next week so things will start popping in March. We've had decent rain this winter so the wildflowers should be impressive if I'm ever able to get out in early spring.
Regarding mono Monday: I will be your host this month and will post one theme at a time (because it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind!)
This weeks optional theme is TENSION. The tag is MM263. You might recall that I encourage lateral thinking which can be described as not going directly from point A to point B but rather taking a turn into a direction different than expected. Some might refer to this as thinking outside of the box. Make it fun and don't get frustrated.
Feel free to scroll through this page for inspiration.
Just for the pun of it...
Q: What is a flower’s favorite Journey song?
A: Don’t stop be-leafing.
Just imagine it. :-))
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