Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


Robert told me that he's a writer and has been living on the street for about a month.  He shared some of his writing with me, mostly his own interpretations of gospel stories.  He'd been sharing a room with a friend and because of regulations around subsidized housing, had to leave, or else his friend risked losing her housing.  He's on a waiting list for his own housing, but said the backlog is years long.  Robert found a bench that he calls home and is thankful for the covered stoop nearby to escape the rain.  He worked hard as a line cook for nearly 40 years and told me he's only alive now by the grace of God.

I often end up wondering how the richest country in the world cannot figure out meaningful solutions to these very human issues.  This should not have anything to do with political parties or fears of socialism or other nonsense.  This is humanity calling each and every one of us.

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