
By Legacy

Off To Hawaii

Not me, the camera. And boy is it excited. I'm loaning it to dear and digital-less friends who are off on a much anticipated trip to visit their daughter.

I can't even remember when I got this camera and worse, I can't remember the last time I took a picture with it but it's a little trouper, even at 5MP. I wouldn't want to hurt its feelings so I never told it that I replaced it many years ago. It takes some really, really nice pictures and even though I don't use it I can't bear to get rid of it. How many blippers have well-loved. well-used cameras that they can't part with either? I'll bet there's a few.

Anyway, I'm sure this little Canon will have a tale to tell when it gets back. I'm delighted that it will get used and I know it'll have fun if for no other reason than it's starting to snow here. Bon Voyage!

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