Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Norfolk Island pine

I used not to like these trees.  Planted as ornamentals here in New Zealand, to me they looked artificial and out of place.  However, since travelling to Norfolk Island, and seeing them in their home space, my views have changed.  There, these magnificent conifers grow into majestic, mature trees that are awe inspiring.  There is a little forest remaining, and these trees are amazing, whether growing individually, or as part of a stand.  

In New Zealand, I've never seen a mature specimen, because they take such a long time to achieve this state.  However, I now see the juveniles as on their way to becoming something great, and appreciate them as such.  So this one, photographed in Redcliffs, reminds me of its potential.  And in the distance, are scattered individuals, often planted in people's gardens.

I have even planted one myself.  Racking my brains for something to grow in memory of R, it was hard to find a tree that is suitable for our local climatic conditions that we don't have already growing on our section.  So the tiny  Norfolk Island pine will be a reminder of the lovely holiday we spent on that island.

And today is appropriate, serendipity, I think, (or perhaps my brain was playing games with me) that R's obituary appeared in our local newspaper.  I sat, on a bench near this spot,  and read the newspaper after I had photographed this. tree.

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