Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

At arm’s length

Dylan sees me as his personal walking tree, something to climb and look down at the world from.

We had been out to Marciano’s for tapas and puddings. And in the boys case, mac’n’cheeze and fish finger sandwiches. I don’t know where The Dizzle puts it; he had done a three course meal with Mystic Em’s family a couple of hours earlier and still managed brownies and ice cream. Crazy.

Bloody cold walk home; darkness falling and the unmelted snow crunching under foot. I was glad to get back.

TSM had been frustrated with our lazy morning but we atoned on our return from the face stuffing with some dedicated home improvement - arranging CDs and hanging pictures. Our empty cupboard now looks full of meaning and good things.

Scout got a surprise tonight, he likes to jump up when I am not looking and lick the butter knife. But I had been at the mustard so he wasn’t expecting that.

I am enjoying quite a lot of peak experiences at the moment. Think it must be the daily enemas.

Music: Bach and Beethoven
Reading: TIME magazine and The Inflamed Mind
Food: vegan tapas and chocolate and orange torte

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