
By wrperry

Blue Jay Visitor

The snow is still on the ground, and since it has been so cold, it's still on the feeder.  This Blue Jay was so thankful for the suet meal that she posed before flying away.

Tiny Tuesday February 2019
A big thank you to KangaZu for doing such a great job of hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge last month!  I will be taking over the reins for February.  The blip community is so creative and talented, that it is a pleasure to host.  There will be no specific themes this month.  Through your macro or close up images you can show us what February means to you.  I will leave a star when I have visited your entry, so if you don't see one, please let me know.  I will post my favorites by Friday of that week.  Thanks so much for participating, and have fun!  The tag for this Tuesday is TT193.

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