
This doll's dress is over 60 years old, it belongs to my pedigree doll.

The other day Isabella was dressing her dolls.  I got distracted by Mia, as she had wandered off.  Next minute, ' Grandma, I've had an accident.'

First of all, I thought she'd hurt herself, then I realized she'd torn a button off this dress, and ripped it, as she was trying to put it on her doll.

'Never mind,  I'll fix it.'  I said.

So today I did, I noticed, also, there were two odd buttons on it, so I changed them to some lilac ones.  I haven't done a bad job, considering the fabric is now very thin.  It's the bottom button I've repaired.

Other things today, I went food shopping first thing, as I've got the girls tomorrow.

Then I braved Bunnings, which is always a bit busy on a Sunday.

I bought oil for the lawnmower, some double-sided tape to try and fix the vent to the fan.  These things my husband wanted.

Then I went to the garden section.  I bought some potting compost, 2 new terracotta pots and a lavender plant.

When I got home I didn't need the 2nd pot, but I might just go back and buy another plant.

We had rain last night, and this morning.  It was lovely, and brought the temperature down a bit.  Sadly, it didn't last long, and the sun came out again.

I do wish it would stop raining in Townsville, so many people being displaced by the floods.

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