
By DancingAly

In Tatters....

After the high of last weekend came the low of this weekend.... well, it had to happen didn't it? My partner suggested we go to the try out session today at dancing. Every year after finals there is always a reshuffle of partners as people split for various reasons. As we dance all girl, my partner suggested we go, in her words " in case two fit men turn up" :-). I have to admit I assumed we were staying together, and I was very happy to continue. So off I toddled today, not so much to get a new partner, but to prevent mine from finding a new one! As predicted not a new man in sight, so us ladies took turns swapping around and dancing with each other. I'll spare you the long winded version of this story, but in short, I may now be partnerless, hence the title of this blip. There is another girl who said she'd like to dance with me, but I'm a bit reluctant to go back to the beginning so to speak. My (old) partner ended the session saying " I'll let you know". What am I supposed to do, sit by the phone???!!! Several thousand expletives later at home, and a couple of calls to my dancing pals, I'm feeling a bit better. I hate the uncertainty of it. I don't want to spend weeks/months finding a partner. But I am so pissed off I'm not sure I want to dance with her either now! But the truth is I will have to do something, and the idea of not dancing is unthinkable. And while there is breath in my body I will not let that happen! So am now in limbo. A place I truly loathe. Back to work tomorrow too, what could be better?

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