A rare species
For goodness sake. The whole day was taken up with Sunday lunch! We went for a get together with my old housemates from Cork. By the time we were up, had cooked the dish we needed to take, driven there, had a very long leisurely afternoon and got back the day was done. We did however have an exellent meal, a good catch up and introduced our friends to the delights of 'Sminky shorts' on youtube. It's a wee bit tricky to understand some of the accents and might possibly loose a little in cultural translation, but it makes most of us fall about laughing and has certainly taken this part of Ireland by storm.
Just as we were about to leave we got involved in an impromptu swing dance lesson that progressed to a Bollywood dance class then developed into Gangnam style (shhhh don't tell anyone that bit), brilliant exercise though! Elaine is a very good dance teacher professionally and at her own dinner parties (she's very good value as friends go)!
This is a very rare sight, Hubs with a camera in hand. Not his.
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