The story so far...


Breakfast on a building site

Cam spent another day at nanny and grandad's as mummy and daddy didn't get back until the afternoon. Their house is still somewhat of a building site after last years fire but they took it in their stride when looking after a very demanding cam. He has started to do full on temper tantrums when he doesn't get enough food (arching his back, screaming, kicking and slamming his fists on the highchair) so it wasn't all sunshine and flowers for them but when his belly wasn't rumbling he was apparently an absolute pleasure and when mummy and daddy got there to pick him up he didn't have a care in the world and barely paid them the slightest bit of attention, charming!
Mummy would have been offended if it wasn't so good to have a cuddle with her amazingly little boy again, missed you Camembert x

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