
By Bubblebeach

A busy day fir me.

An eventful day, firstly I was over at IKEA before opening time to secure my Christmas Tree, they had a special offer that gave you a £20 voucher (making your tree essentially £5) so I made the most of it and made my way over. It was as maniac as you would expect so I was glad to get the tree and get right out of there.

On my way home I received a text message from my Dad to let me know that my downstairs neighbour has passed away, very sad.

In the afternoon, I met up with an old friend from college, we had some coffee and cake in Patisserie Francoise and caught up. It was great!

Afterwards, I headed home to pickup my guitar and head out to play at the Adoration service at St. Aloysuis in Glasgow, it was really peaceful and prayerful. After this my good friend and I headed down to the Scotia Bar for some Guinness and Islay single malts, it was a really nice evening catching up on her recent travels to Israel & Palestine.

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