An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Vanishing point...

So, after David's hilarious fall the other day, it was my turn to make a complete and utter eejit of myself today.

I had a GP appointment this morning.  It was with a locum GP I hadn't seen before (lets call her Dr Jones :-) as seeing a locum meant I would get seen faster then waiting for an appointment with one of the resident GPs.

In our health centre, when you arrive for your appointment there's a touch screen on the reception desk where you key in your date of birth and gender and the screen then flashes up a message advising an appointment has been made that matches those details and names the GP the appointment is with.  Assuming the information is correct you then touch the yes button and that's you booked in for your appointment.  

Today I went through these steps as usual but the GP name that appeared on the touch screen didn't match the name of the GP my appointment was with.  Confused, I pressed the buzzer to speak to a real receptionist and our conversation went like this...

HER - Can I help you?
ME - Yes please, I've keyed in my details and the screen says I have an appointment with a locum GP called Dr Fillin but my appointment is with a Dr Jones.  I'm just checking that is right.
HER - Yes, your appointment is with Dr Jones.
ME - Ah, ok I was just confused as the screen says Dr Fillin.
HER - No, it's definitely Dr Jones.
ME - Okay, thank you.

And as I turned to check the screen a final time the penny dropped....the screen was confirming my appointment with Dr Fillin Locum  - only the receptionist who I made the appointment with last week hadn't filled in the locum GP's name and just left the instruction on her screen....

How the lovely lady I spoke to kept a straight face as I queried an appointment with Dr Fillin I will never know, but I bet she couldn't wait to share the tale!  :-)))

In other news, we've got Ele, Nikki and little Esme coming for lunch tomorrow.  Can't wait as it's a month since I've seen her.  I wonder what my blip will be tomorrow ;-))

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