Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A gentle start

Dreams of loved ones and people that I care about filled my head last night. Some cruel words said in such bitterness to me on Saturday left me feeling ill at ease. It is hard to cope with people who have stone hearts....I feel sorry for them....but they can hurt.

I sat by the river this morning...solitude massaging my soul, the earth stood still for some moments to let my heart rest, and the ducks just floated.....
As the sky lightened, the birds began to sing, a Robin flew in and perched on the bench next to me, his little head cocked to one side, questioning me. It's all right little friend...I'm okay.

Christmas comes....emotions run troubles...relationship tensions....what about the joy of it all?

I think I need to put the Christmas decks up a little sooner this year! It will help to bring the xmas spirit along a bit. So...with this all set out in my head, thinking about the people I care about and still not having a menu in my head for The Christmas Eve dinner party, I start the long hours of work....countdown started!

Have a good one folks :)

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