Christmas Tree Hunting

Sometimes it really does feel like hunting. No snow this year, well it melted off this area already, but as we canvased the area, all 12 eyes were on the look out for the perfect tree. 4 eyes were in training, as they had never picked out a Christmas tree before and definitely never out in the mountains. They probably thought we were crazy. "No, that one is too thin." "No, that one is too wide." "No, that one is too short." "No, that one is crooked." "No, that one is too tall." "No, that one looks like a Charley Brown Christmas tree."

By the end of the day, we were all very happy with the tree we found. And the Japanese student and Chinese professor who joined us had a really good first Christmas tree hunting lesson. Each person got a turn in helping saw it down and then we all drank hot chocolate back at the truck...a family tradition that we are happy to share with whoever is willing to join us.

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